CRUZ REYNOSO: Sowing the Seeds of Justice DVD
CRUZ REYNOSO: Sowing the Seeds of Justice DVD
We are excited to announce that the award-winning Justice Trilogy films are now available online. Abby's profiles of social justice trail-blazers are essential viewing for activists and citizens of all ages. Social Action Media has launched an online store to enable College, University and Law School Libraries to purchase physical copies of each DVD or the entire series.
CRUZ REYNOSO: Sowing the Seeds of Justice
During his extraordinary life, Cruz Reynoso has been one of those rare individuals who are not only shaped by history-they make history. CRUZ REYNOSO Sowing the Seeds of Justice paints a portrait of Cruz Reynoso, a man who felt the sting of injustice as a child and later, as a lawyer, judge and teacher, fought for over five decades to eradicate discrimination and inequality for all. CRUZ REYNOSO Sowing the Seeds of Justice begins with Cruz Reynoso's childhood where he was born into a Spanish-speaking farm worker family of eleven children. It shows his struggle to be educated, leading to his graduation from Pomona College in 1953 and from UC Berkeley Law School in 1958. He then became the first Latino Director of California Rural Legal Assistance and later one of the first Latino law professors in the country beginning his academic career at the University of New Mexico Law School.
His ascent to the California Supreme Court was a singular achievement, when he was appointed by Governor Jerry Brown as the first Latino justice on that bench. Then in a heated recall campaign whose central issue was the death penalty, Reynoso and two other justices lost their seats. As Vice Chair on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, he provided leadership in the only investigation of voting rights abuses a the 2000 election in Florida. He received the country's highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, for his lifelong devotion to public service and today at 80, he continues to teach law at UC Davis Law School and to actively participate in community organizations throughout the state of California.